Update: Rigging and then ready to go
Getting very close now. Thursday or Friday Rogue will be put on the back of a truck and brought back to Picton from Christchurch to be put back into the water before the wood dries out too much. Also this week, Treleaven Rigging will redo the entire rigging aside from the four lower stays John from Ropetek did such a good job on already in Nelson. We're anticipating Rogue to be shipped back to Picton for launching in just over a week. The galvanized stainless steel rigging to be done includes:
- two cap shrouds: 502.00
- a new backstay: 157.00
- a fore upper and lower stay: 178.00
- fork end and nut: 89.00
- two diamonds up top: 80.00
- two side bob stays onto the bowsprit: 66.00
- and a new bobstay connecting to the bowsprit made of wire instead of chain: 133.00
- labour: 337.00
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